I present some time reckoning systems in the form of columns in the summary table of “The RECOUNTING of TIME” below to illustrate my hypothesis and year calculations above.

The tabular summary assumes that the confusion of AD time occurred in AD725, but it could have happened in any year around AD725. The table can easily be adapted accordingly.

The column AJ (Anno Jesu) indicates the years from the realistic year of Jesus’ birth marked by AJ1.

The years of Exiguus seven years later (7-year error) are given in the column AJE.

The years of the Coptic time reckoning are shown in column AC (Anno Coptic). This column indicates that the Coptic Church was founded in AJ71 aka AJE64 aka 284CE, i.e., 70 years after Jesus’ birth.

The CE column “Recounted new AD” shows the years of the present AD after the omission of the 220-year insertion. For example, the year of Jesus’ birth in this column is 214CE instead of 7BC.

The column on the right-hand side of the table shows that the AD era consists of the following periods:

* Exiguus AJE years, invariant green period 
(AJ1-AJ512 aka AJE(-6)-AJE505 aka 7BC-AD505),
* Incriminated 220 fictive historical years  
* Years with incremented serial number 
Table of “The RECOUNTING of TIME”

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