

Anno Domini (year of the Lord; in the year of the Lord). Applied in many languages for time reckoning beginning with the year of birth of Jesus Christus. Anno Domini – Wikipedia


Before Christ, used to denote the years before the birth of Jesus. There is no “year zero” in the AD-BC system; 1BC is the year immediately preceding AD1.

But in astronomy, the year numbering has no abbreviations, and year zero exists, too. For example: AD1 = 1; although 1BC = 0; so 9BC = -8.

AD-BC System, or AD System for shorter.

Synonyms of the AD-BC or AD time reckoning, short AD-Time.


Common Era, international designation, an equivalent of AD. For example: AD2017 = 2017CE


Before Common Era, international designation, equivalent of BC. 45BC = 45BCE.

In the current hypothesis, we remain in the AD-BC system. For distinction purposes, the CE and BCE abbreviations are applied in this hypothesis to mark our proposed new years of some historical events (instead of the equivalent AD and BC). Common Era – Wikipedia

AUC: Ab urbe condita; since the foundation of the city (Rome).

The year AUC1 corresponds to the year 753BC. The year AD1 corresponds to the year AUC754. According to some experts, AD1 = AUC 753; others say AUC755. Even the ancient Roman historians were unsure how many years earlier Rome was founded. The AUC year designation was not used in practice, and it was applied only by a few ancient historians to determine the year of critical old events. Later historians also used it to date events in Roman history, but AD-BC superseded its use. Ab urbe condita – Wikipedia

UR: indication of the years of the Parthian UR time reckoning.

UR1 = 247BC, AD1 = UR248 as accepted today.

UR1 = 27BC = 27BCE, according to this hypothesis.

AJ: Anno Jesu:

The year of Jesus’ birth according to the present hypothesis. The abbreviation AJ is introduced in the current hypothesis.

AJ1 = 7BC+220 = AD1+213 = AD214 = 214CE.

AJE: Anno Jesu by Exiguus:

The year of Jesus’ birth, by Exiguus according to this hypothesis. It is introduced in the present description.

AJE1 = AJ1+7 = AD214+7 = AD1+220 = AD221 = 221CE

AC: Abbreviation for the Coptic time reckoning.

AC1 = AD284; The year accepted today and accepted by the present hypothesis, too.

ADio: Anno Diocletian

This notation for the years of Emperor Diocletian is introduced in the present hypothesis. ADio1 = AD284 as accepted today.

ADio1 = AD504 = 504CE according to the present hypothesis:

ADR: Anno Domini Recounted.

The year, calculated backwards from the current year of the AD time reckoning with our proposed new chronology, in other words: AD with omitted fictitious years. The abbreviation ADR is introduced in the present hypothesis.  ADR aka CE                            

UTC: Universal Time Coordinated, Universal Coordinated Time

The successor of the well-known GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

UT: Universal Time.

Conventional Universal Time, the average time defined by the Earth’s non-uniform rotation, is measured relative to distant stars. Today the version UT1 is used. For “everyday use”, it corresponds well to UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) and to the older GMT, too. Universal Time – Wikipedia

TT: Terrestrial Time.

Modern astronomical time standard. Ideal, theoretical, uniformly elapsing time approximated by atomic clock time with high accuracy. Terrestrial Time – Wikipedia

LMST: (Local Mean Solar Time) Also called LMT (Local Mean Time).

The LMST, as an average, corrects for the variations in apparent local time (the Local True Solar Time (LTST), sundial time) caused by the uneven rotation of the Earth. 

The sky simulator program Stellarium shows Local Mean Solar Time (LMST) by default since local time and time zones are new terms unknown in ancient times.

In Stellarium: LMST = UTC + Longitude Offset.

The longitude offset of 1° from the conventionally assigned 0° at Greenwich results in a 4-minute offset of the LMST value.

Not to be confused with the artificial local time (clock time) and zone time.

(Another interpretation of LMST is Local Mean Sidereal Time, which is not used in this document.) Solar time – Wikipedia; Difference Between Local Time and Solar Time (With Table) (; Local to solar time calculator – Koch TCM (

ΔT or Delta T; formally: ΔT = TT – UT                                                                

In precise timekeeping and counting, ΔT is the measure of the cumulative effect of the time by which the Earth’s rotation period deviates from the average length of day.

VEQ: Vernal Equinox; March Equinox; Spring Equinox.

The VEQ point is the celestial location on the ecliptic where VEQ occurs. The VEQ day is the day on the calendar when VEQ occurs. When VEQ itself is used, its meaning is given in context. The term “vernal equinox” refers to both the celestial point and the calendar day of the vernal equinox or the exact time of the vernal equinox. Equinox – Wikipedia

AEQ: Autumnal Equinox; September Equinox; Fall Equinox.

On the ecliptic, the AEQ point is approximately opposite the VEQ point. Its interpretation is otherwise analogous to that of the VEQ. Equinox – Wikipedia

WIS: Winter Solstice.

It is the shortest day and the longest night of the year for the Northern Hemisphere. Winter solstice – Wikipedia

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