
The old books of Venerable Bede provided the impetus for the practical introduction of today’s Anno Domini time reckoning. So I bow first and foremost to Bede’s life-work and initiative.

I remember with thanks the words of encouragement of my friends Tamás Gyorgyevics and Gábor Szalay.

I greatly appreciate the comments of my friend László Fabó, electrical engineer and the operational chairman of the Philosophical Discussion Group in Budapest, whose notes have made my message clearer.

To the bests of my remembrance belongs the gesture of Sándor Szekeres. Long before the birth of my hypothesis, he had conjured up on his screen the star Regulus, which is one of the astronomical cornerstones of both his and my theory as well.

Many thanks to Zoltán Hunnivári for his helpful comments in support of my hypothesis. He did it despite the decades of work he had put into his own theory, which is partly similar to mine. His theory and method of working were very stimulating for me.

I would like to express my special thanks to my astronomer friend Albert Gesztesi for his valuable professional and literary advice, especially for verifying my initial astronomical data and findings.

I am grateful to my friend Ingeborg Burger-Balogh for having revised my German version of the text with such care that she even contributed to the clarifying addition of the original Hungarian text.

Finally, although I wish I had done it first, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Böbe (Dr Erzsébet Urban), my wife, who has tolerated my frequent and lengthy browsing of books and screens with understanding and patience.

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