
The polysemantic title of this blog, “The Recounting of Time”, is a paraphrase. The paraphrase of The Reckoning of Time. (It is the usual translation of the title “De Temporum Ratione”, the monumental work of Saint Bede or The Venerable Bede.)

My hypothesis has to do with chronology, with the fallibility of our Anno Domini time reckoning.

“Recounting” should be interpreted as a comparative recalculation of time. A comparison of the elapsed astronomical time since some old historical events with the currently accepted calendrical years of the same events. Accordingly, the recalculation and comparison are based on astronomical foundations.

Despite this scientific basis, this writing, at least from a historical point of view, belongs more to the realm of phantasy. In this sense, I see my writing as an “invented historical story”, a “historical fiction”.

On the one side, the result of my fantasy is “tentative” in its current summarising form. It is still freely malleable, plastic within certain limits, and it flows almost down from my desk like Dali’s “melting” clock. By this, I mean that the details and consistency of the hypothesis can and should be further refined.

On the other hand, the hypothesis is complex and challenging for sensitive readers. Despite its complexity, I hope my writing is a generally understandable thesis formulation.

The blog might be of particular interest to readers who do have a taste for old history. At the same time, they should be ready to enjoy an “immersion” in astronomy, in the world of wild imagination and unusual ideas. (e.g., science fiction and conspiracy theories) I recommend it to “open-minded” readers who are “naturally curious” and, above all, ready for a “brain-training” away from the usual, nowadays fashionable ideas.

My blog puts together the thought process that led me to make my assertions. The fictional story is a “scenario” to explore a possible way. A way to examine and solve the chronological correspondence of astronomical phenomena and selected “historical key events” of the Roman Empire’s era and early medieval past.

A friend of mine told me that I (as an older man) look back to the past because I find it hard to bear the untruths and manipulations of the present. Well, who doesn’t? As a “consolation” for all of us, I realise that the falsehoods and manipulations may have been quite similar in the past because they are, unfortunately, human.

I will underline the possibility of a time-distant manipulation of our chronology. The same topic was presented somewhat similarly by others in the past but was not accepted by official science. Perhaps I can prove the misinterpretation or rather the falsification of our chronology? Previous theories to discover this medieval manipulation have failed, so it is likely that my exploration will also remain just another attempt.

Unlike previous “fact-finders,” I do not claim to be correct. The thought merely attracts me that I might be right. I believe that the issue I have raised is not closed and needs to be reconsidered scientifically. Because I am an amateur in the relevant fields, my age, and the interdisciplinary nature of the subject, I cannot take this in detail. So, I will barely touch on some key historical events (this isn’t a book). In any case, it would be difficult for any individual to solve this issue. A re-examination would require the collaboration of scientists from several disciplines. At least temporarily, these scientists would have to abandon their previous beliefs, which I certainly see no chance of doing.

The goal of my writing is to think further together.

Therefore, I would like to think together, above all, with people who are also amateurs. Those whose “professional competence has not yet clouded their view”, as my first boss (chief designer of a computer development), wittily, ambiguously, but seriously “encouraged” young electronics engineers more than 50 years ago.

Of course, it would be fascinating for me to talk to professionals who are sufficiently “brave” because their reputations could be at stake. I consider the blog very suitable because any expert can comment “incognito” here.

The exchange of opinions is only possible with different views.

I cordially invite interested readers
  - to pose passionate, critical questions and
  - to put well-founded counterarguments.

I would also appreciate it if my hypothesis would be refuted by experts strictly scientifically. This would strengthen my opinion that all calculations, even astronomical data, sometimes can be misinterpreted.

Hoping for a sympathetic discussion, I commend my study to all my dear and interested readers.

So, if you’ve read my post this far, you’ll have a sense of what the blog is about. Please share the blog with your friends and acquaintances on your favourite social media, even if you are not interested in the topic.